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Sekretariat ILUNI MKK FKUI dan Program Studi Magister Kedokteran Kerja (MKK) Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Jl. Pegangsaan Timur No.16, RT.1/RW.1, Pegangsaan, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10310
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The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine
Published by Universitas Indonesia
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IJCOM publishes original research articles, expert opinion, consensus, literature and systematic review as well as commentary focusing on various streams of community health sciences and occupational medicine including health and safety sciences and researches, community and occupational nutrition, community and public health, clinical epidemiology, marine and aviation medicine, public health administration, health management, health economics, health promotion, medical sociology/anthropology, social and family medicine. IJCOM also open for special edition and supplement volume publication
Articles 11 Documents
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Overview of Glycemic Control in Workers with Diabetes at An Occupational Clinic in Jakarta Edwin Halim; Em Yunir; Amilya Agustina; Astrid Sulistomo; Levina Chandra Khoe
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.72.17-23


Introduction: Based on Indonesia’s population data in 2018 and International Diabetes Federation in 2019, an estimated 1 in every 10 Indonesian workers have type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Diabetes is a chronic illness with costly implications, especially in working population. Workers with diabetes experience 12% reduction in productivity adjusted life years (PALY) and additional $USD 467 monthly average healthcare cost. This study aims to determine glycaemic control in workers with diabetes.Methods: Cross-sectional study utilizing laboratory medical records from 2015-2021 in an occupational clinic in Jakarta’s Central Business District is performed. Data collected through accessing in-clinic laboratory and client lists’ electronic medical records, is paired with their respective anthropometric parameters stored in paper archives. Criteria of Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG), lipid profile, HbA1c and Body Mass Index (BMI) are based on PERKENI 2019. Inclusion criteria are workers with prior history of T2DM who underwent HbA1c examination.Results: 2,796 employees who underwent HbA1c examination were found; 65.8% normal, 29.6% pre-diabetic, and 4.6% exceeded T2DM cut-off. Amongst 2,796 employees, 1,322 had their FBG examined; 62% normal, 33.1% had increased fasting glucose and 5% exceeded T2DM cut-off; another 1,316 also had their lipid profile examined, in which 80.5% had dyslipidaemia. From 2015-2021, 160 employees had a history of T2DM, of which 86 had matching laboratory medical records, with 42 of those undergoing HbA1c examination. Of 42 respondents with diabetes who underwent HbA1c examinations, 54.8% had sub-optimal glycaemic control. FBG is the only risk factor significantly correlated to optimal glycaemic control (p <0.05).Conclusion: Health programs and policies in the workplace enacted by management and health institutions who offer medical services may play a vital role in the improvement of prevention and intervention of diabetes amongst workers.
Effects of Occupational Exposure on Health of The Workers of Copper Manufacturing Utensils in Kashmir (India) Khursheed Wani; Kounsar Jan; Abu Waleed Shah
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.81.3-8


Purpose: The objective was to investigate the general working conditions of the workers of copper manufacturing Utensils in Kashmir (India) and to assess the health risk factors of the workers working in that industry.Methods: The study was conducted at 30 workshops manufacturing copper utensils of Kashmir valley situated in India. Temperature, Noise level was also measured in these units by following standard protocols. A formulated questionnaire was circulated among the workers to assess the health risk factors of the workers and observation method was utilized to evaluate the working conditions of theses workshops Results: The present investigation indicates that the majority of the workers of these factories industry were illiterate. Most of them were suffering from health problems like eye irritation, injuries,  back pain, skin injuries, respiratory problems and general weakness.Conclusions: Our results clearly indicated that the health and working conditions of the workers manufacturing copper utensils in Kashmir (India) were unsatisfactory. Every worker on an average was suffering from three to five health-risk factors. We recommend that personal protective equipments should be provided to the workers to reduce the risk factors. : The objective was to investigate the general working conditions of the workers of copper manufacturing Utensils in Kashmir (India) and to assess the health risk factors of the workers working in that industry.  
Breastfeeding by Working Mothers: Global Challenges Yvan Vandenplas; Ray Wagiu Basrowi
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.82.1-2


A mother’s full-time employment is a determinant factor in abandoning exclusive breastfeeding before 6 months. White-collar workers have a better knowledge, attitude, and practice toward breastfeeding than blue-collar workers. The discontinuation of exclusive breastfeeding is associated with delayed skin-to-skin contact, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit admission, pacifier and artificial teats use, mother’s return to work earlier and lower education levels. Racial and ethnic disparities in paid and unpaid workloads of mothers, and the relationship between components of job quality and duration of mother’s own milk provision. However, returning to work, insufficient breast milk, misconceptions about breastfeeding, and interference with social life were the barriers for mothers to breastfeed continuously. Several aspects must be considered to increase the chances of a beneficial effect of interventions: type of intervention, target audience, timing of intervention, actors that can implement it, strategies and methods of intervention, and intensity of intervention. Intervention efforts should focus on behavior change to educate and equip mothers to overcome the barriers that are within their control. Such interventions should further focus on family-centered education and strengthening the proficiency of healthcare workers on advising breastfeeding mothers. Findings point to the importance of health visitors providing emotional support to bolster the continuation of breastfeeding and encourage a positive subjective experience of infant feeding. The emphasis of emotional support encourages increased allocation of resources and training opportunities to ensure health visitors are able to provide enhanced emotional support. Women’s experiences reveal a daily life with difficulties in reconciling the desire to breastfeed and the work scenario. Support network and adaptation to children’s food routine are strategies adopted to minimize risks of weaning. The results show the need to consolidate policies to encourage continued breastfeeding in the labor market. Effort is needed to sustain breastfeeding after maternal return to work. A breastfeeding-friendly policy with clear operating guidelines in the workplace is critical to sustaining breastfeeding. Learning from others who have had a positive experience will ensure that all breastfeeding women are better supported in the workplace in future. When ‘breastfeeding only’ support is offered to women, the duration and in particular, the exclusivity of breastfeeding is likely to be increased. Support may also be more effective in reducing the number of women stopping breastfeeding at three to four months compared to later time points. For ‘breastfeeding plus’ interventions the evidence is less certain. Support may be offered either by professional or lay/peer supporters, or a combination of both. Support can also be offered face-to-face, via telephone or digital technologies, or a combination and may be more effective when delivered on a schedule of four to eight visits. Further work is needed to identify components of the effective interventions and to deliver interventions on a larger scale. Governments should make it obligatory for employers to offer a breastfeeding support program and a dedicated breastfeeding facility at the workplace as these simple measures significantly increase exclusive breastfeeding. Knowledge improvement related to breastfeeding benefits and supports to working mothers are a key priority, however advocacy to employers, managers, and supervisors in providing breastfeeding facilitation and program support are also critical to successful breastfeeding practice among workers. Policies, regulations, and laws supporting the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding practices until 6 months in mothers as recommended by the WHO should be reinforced.
The Effect of Methylmetacryalte Exposure on The Incidence of Asthma Bronchiale Muchammad Arief Gunawan; Indah suci Widyahening; Muhammad Ilyas
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.83.36-41


Background: Asthma is one of the major health problems in the world. An estimated 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, with 250.000 deaths each year from asthma. The prevalence of asthma has continued to increase in recent years, Asthma affects 1 in 14 people in America in 2001 while in 2009 the rationale was 1 patient in 12 people The aim of this report is to get a systematically searching in order to get an answer about the risk factor of the Asthma bronchiale and the prevention measure.Methods: A 40-year-old woman who works as a dental technician complains of experiencing symptoms of shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and cold. A search was carried out to obtain clinical answers with databases obtained from: PubMed, and ProQuest. With the keyword “Worker”, “Methyl Methacrylate OR Acrylic” AND “Occupational Asthma” with inclusion criteria cohort studies, case control studies, cross sectional studies, methyl methacrylate, occupational asthma, occupational, and case report. Results: One study was found that there was a relationship between asthma and exposure to methacrylate. Risk of doctor-diagnosed asthma within 12 months (OR 27.6, 95% CI 1.19 - 7-54) and adult-onset asthma (2.65, 1.14-7.24) when compared with those not exposed to methyl methacrylate.Conclusion: From the two studies that we have been reviewed there was a significant relationship between exposure of methyl methacrylate or acrylic to the incidence of asthma.
Pemphigus Foliaceus in A Potato Donut Seller: A Case Report Rizky Alhuda Rachman; Dewi S. Soemarko
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.84.30-5


Background: Pemphigus foliaceus is a condition of a rare and potentially life-threatening autoimmune blistering skin disease, thought to be caused by circulating autoantibodies against desmoglein-1 (Dsg-1), a glycoprotein with an integral role in maintaining intercellular adhesion between keratinocytes. Pemphigus foliaceus primary lesions generally manifest as erythematous papules, plaques, and erosions with the addition of scaly crusts as secondary lesions. Immunosuppressant is the mainstay therapy for pemphigus foliaceus. This case report describes the case of a female patient who worked as a potato donut seller with pemphigus foliaceus and analyzes the relationship between her disease and work.Case Presentation: A 31-year-old woman presented with a history of itchiness, redness, and burning sensation on her face, followed by the appearance of vesicles on her face, spreading to the back, arms, and legs. The patient worked as a potato donut seller and encountered numerous potential hazards. Upon further examination, the patient was diagnosed with pemphigus foliaceus. Discussion: Establishing an occupational disease requires a seven-step method, taking into account the clinical diagnosis, occupational, individual, and other exposures outside of work. In this case, neither occupational, individual, nor other environmental risk factors of pemphigus foliaceus was found. Conclusion: There are no substantial evidence that occupational exposures as a potato donut seller cause or exacerbate the patient’s diagnosis of pemphigus foliaceus. The patient’s innate genetic susceptibility remains the main factor contributing to her diagnosis.
Return to Work in Welder Underwent Total Knee Arthroplasty Yohanes Edwin Jonatan; Aditya Pradana; Marsen Isbayuputra
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.86.42-6


Background: Osteoarthritis is the most common musculoskeletal disorders found and after reached severe stage, total knee arthroplasty (TKA) should be considered. Welders are group of workers whose work dominated by kneeling or squatting position in long period and sometimes carrying heavy weights. Return to work (RTW) process in welder underwent TKA was varied by duration and activity limited post operation.Aim: to know whether welder underwent TKA could return to his original work.Methods: Searching literature for the evidence-based has been conducted with a clinical question through “PICO” method. Then we continued the searching using electronic databases: “PubMed”, “Cochrane Library”, “EMBASE”, and “Scopus”. The keyword is “osteoarthritis”, “total knee arthroplasty”, and “return to work” with all the synonyms combined with Boolean Operator. The inclusion criteria were blue collar worker or welder population, underwent TKA at most for one year, and full text article. While we excluded study in white collar worker or office worker population, partial knee arthroplasty procedure, and population age >65 years old.Results: From the three literatures obtained, we could learn about RTW duration in workers underwent TKA and what activities were limited after operation, and what the workers expectation after the procedure.Conclusion: Welder underwent TKA could return to work at least three months after the procedure was done, but modification in the workplace still need to be done.
Return to Work Assessment in A Financial Analyst with Major Depressive Disorder: A Case Report Fitria Nanda Saputri; Nuri Purwito Adi
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.87.24-9


Background: More than half of the global population are workers, and depression and anxiety result in the loss of 12 billion working days per year, costing the global economy around $1 trillion.1 Depression is a widespread mood disorder that can lead to self-harm and suicide.2,3 Work eligibility assessments are essential to ensure that workers can perform their duties safely and effectively. This case report discusses the fitness-to-work assessment of a financial analyst with major depressive disorder with psychotic features. Objective: To explore factors affecting the fit-to-work status of a patient with major depressive disorder and assess the fit-to-work status of the patient.Case Presentation: A 27-year-old female with a history of depression and trauma worked as a financial analyst. She had a psychiatric evaluation revealing major depressive disorder with psychotic features, moderate stressors, narcissistic personality disorder, and problematic workplace relationships.Discussion: PERDOKI has a seven-step process for evaluating fitness to work and return-to-work programs. These steps involve assessing the patient’s medical condition, disability, job demands, risks, and tolerance to determine the appropriate work status. In this case, the patient is declared fit to work with a note.Conclusion: The role of occupational medicine in workers with major depressive disorder is very important, in-depth interviews regarding workload and other factors that are stressors for workers must be carried out. Support from the inner circle, family and workplace is very important for workers with major depressive disorder. Clinical symptoms of delusions, hallucinations and suicidal tendencies are the main criteria for determining return to work in addition to other influential factors.
Relationship between Total Flight Hours and Individual Factors with Low Back Pain in Indonesian Military Helicopter Pilots Fazlin Khuzaima; Retno Wibawanti; Agus Sugiharto; Wawan Mulyawan;  M.  Ilyas;  Dewi S. Soemarko
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.89.9-16


Introduction: Helicopter pilots are potentially at risk of Low Back Pain (LBP) and are twice as likely as fighter pilots to experience it. Helicopter pilots’ LBP is caused by a combination of risk factors: engine and rotor vibration, ergonomic risks due to cockpit design, static seating position due to operations, and individual factors. These factors are incorporated into cumulative aviation risk exposure, which can be measured by total flight hours. The prevalence of LBP in Caucasians is high, at 50.5%-92%. However, there has not been any research on Indonesian military helicopter pilots who have a different posture from Caucasians.Objective: To determine the prevalence of LBP, to analyze the relationship between total flight hours and individual factors (age, height, BMI, exercise habits, and smoking habits) with LBP in Indonesian military helicopter pilots.Methods: The study was conducted at the Indonesian Army and Indonesian Air Force with total sampling method as many as 124 people. An explanation was carried out followed by filling in the consent to become a research subject, filling in personal data, anamnesis, Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), physical examination, neurological examination, and total flight hour data.Results: There were 124 subjects, consisting of 37.9% pilots and 62.1% copilots, 87.9% of pilots operate large helicopters, have average total flight hours of 450 hours, age of 30 years, the height of 172.66 cm, low intensity exercise habits of 61.3%, and smokers as much as 45.2%. A total of 57 people (46%) experienced LBP. Statistical results showed that total flight hours had an association with LBP (p = 0.035) where each 1 unit increase in total flight hours had a 1.02 times greater chance of LBP.Conclusion: The prevalence of LBP is 46% and there is an association between total flying hours and LBP in Indonesian military helicopter pilots.
Association between Metabolic Syndrome Components and Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Al Ciptaning Laras; Ray W. Basrowi
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.95.63-72


Introduction: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is a common form of hearing loss, and has been associated with several inflammatory diseases, which are known to cause vascular and neurological problems. Metabolic syndrome, whose main components are diabetes mellitus and dyslipidaemia, is considered a chronic inflammatory disease. Since both medical conditions share common aetiology, this literature review aims to examine the potential correlation/association between SSNHL and metabolic syndrome and the prognosis by analysing electronic databases.Methods:  A literature review which systematically searched relevant studies from four internet databases: PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar and the Cochrane. The studies searched were limited to original studies submitted between year 2011 and 2023, covering randomized controlled trial, case control, cohort, or cross sectional, analysing 1) the prevalence of Metabolic syndrome among SSNHL patients, and/or 2) the rate of recovery and prognosis of SSNHL patients who had metabolic syndrome. Results:  Sixteen observational studies have been examined and reviewed. Twelve of these studies analysed the correlation between the metabolic syndrome and its components and SSNHL, and they demonstrated that risk of having SSNHL increases for patients who were diagnosed with components of metabolic syndrome. One of the studies claimed that people with metabolic syndrome have 3.54-fold increased risk of having SSNHL (P < .001). Nine of these studies analysed the correlations between metabolic syndrome and recovery rate of patients diagnosed with SSNHL. All 9 studies showed that metabolic syndrome negatively influenced the recovery rates of patients diagnosed with SSNHL, with one of the studies demonstrated that the likelihood of being unresponsive to treatment was higher in those with metabolic syndrome, with odds ratio of 2.18 (P < .001). Conclusion:  Our findings suggest positive association between prevalence of SSNHL and metabolic syndrome; the risk of having SSNHL increases for patients who were diagnosed with components of metabolic syndrome. Our findings also suggest that SSNHL patients who are also diagnosed with metabolic syndrome have worse recovery rate and poorer prognosis.
Impact of Shift Work on Excessive Daytime Sleepiness among Healthcare Shift Workers Erinka Harlynadia; Ray Wagiu Basrowi
The Indonesian Journal of Community and Occupational Medicine Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): ijcom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53773/ijcom.v3i1.97.56-62


Background: The circadian rhythm can disturb caused by the shift work system, that effect leading to daily sleepiness, and a higher risk of serious health problems. Many healthcare workers are shift workers. Being drowsy condition when one is not expected to be drowsy is called Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). EDS is associated with poor sleep hygiene, workspace errors, a lack of productivity, and lack of concentration which are significant safety concerns and a higher risk of occupational accidents among nightshift workers. This study aims to review the original studies on the association of shift work with excessive daytime sleepiness among healthcare shift workers. Methods:  This article is a literature review consisting of journal articles. Articles were searched in the following databases PubMed, Scientific Scholar, Google Scholar, and EBSCO. The search terms used were ‘shift work’. ‘Excessive daytime sleepiness’ and Limitations included ‘English language’, ‘published between 2013-2023’, and ‘shift workers’.Results: Based on eleven articles that were analyzed, shift work and excessive daytime sleepiness are directly related to each other among shift workers. There are factors that cause EDS including lack of sleep duration and sleep quality, as well as several comorbidities, and the impact of EDS.

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